How Do We Transform Communities ?
This model provides the design principles for our community transformation initiative.
Community Catalyst partners with local organisations and leaders to initiate a community-wide transformation program. In the Pilot phase values-focused community leaders and influencers are gathered around a a shared mission. The mission is to develop and deploy values through the Transformation Tables' content an methodology, identify a common agenda, and define an evaluation protocol to measure the conditions that facilitate long-term success within a transformation effort. The impact is that local leaders have their capacity to lead strengthened, transformation efforts enhanced through a process tht measures and addresses critical outcomes. Then it is multiplied through continuous communication and collaboration across all eight streams of influence for powerful positive change.

It Leads to Transformation
It Leads to Transformation
The bridge represents stories of people crossing over from their old way of life to the life they want to live.Stories of Transformation 2022-2024

Meet the Team
Delivering Transformation Tables week in and week out across Australia.

Master Facilitator

Master Facilitator

Contact Us
T: 02 92624457
Ourimbah NSW 2258, Australia